I have a list of things that I need to do in order to prepare for India. I am officially getting my first round of immunizations tomorrow. I say first round because I don't know what I am actually getting and if there will be any with a series of shots. I start my Sunday night meetings this coming Sunday and will be every Sunday until I leave with the team in March. I have two books that I want to read before I go which will help with my preparation, scripture I want to memorize, and I am supposed to have a testimony for about 2 minutes prepared and practiced. There are several items I need to purchase, but I am not exactly sure what I am looking for and if I can bring them. So many things to do. It seems that I have a ton of time to do these things, but the reality is its only one and a half months away. That really isn't that much time. It will go extremely fast, which it already has up to this point.
On Sunday, I will find out what my specific roles will be and what I will need to learn to do in order to do my role. These could be singing, acting, and/or crafts. I know there are other possibilities, but I don't remember the other options. I am really excited to go. I know this is where I need to be and what I need to do. I am excited to see what God has in store for our team in India.
My prayer has been that God would prepare me for the things I will encounter and/or experience while I'm over there. So far I've been busy and bombarded with people on a constant bases. I'm not sure if it is distracting me from what I really should be doing or if this is God's way of preparing me...maybe a little of both. Pray that I will find rest in Him as I prepare and that I can really have a firm foundation in scripture (specifically the scripture I should memorize) and an understanding of the Indian culture when I'm there.
Thanks for your continual support! Thanks also to those that have continued to give financially so that my other team members are able to go. I know that God is using your gifts for the greater good of His kingdom!
London Bridge in England

Emilie at the London Bridge 2010
Welcome to Around the World with Emilie. This is a blog about my travels. I'll be starting out with my mission trip to India. However I have been to several countries. They include: Kazakhstan (2000), England (2001 & 2010), France (2001), Germany (2001), Holland (2001), Austria (2001), Sweden (2001), Switzerland (2001), Italy (2001), Vatican City (2001), Belgium (2001), Mexico (2004 and 2006), and Canada (2009), India(2011).
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