London Bridge in England

London Bridge in England
Emilie at the London Bridge 2010
Welcome to Around the World with Emilie. This is a blog about my travels. I'll be starting out with my mission trip to India. However I have been to several countries. They include: Kazakhstan (2000), England (2001 & 2010), France (2001), Germany (2001), Holland (2001), Austria (2001), Sweden (2001), Switzerland (2001), Italy (2001), Vatican City (2001), Belgium (2001), Mexico (2004 and 2006), and Canada (2009), India(2011).

Year to Date Contributions

Egypt 2012
 I need to raise a total of $3200.  Here is the breakdown of due dates for the support.
March 15th- $1200
April 15th- $2200
May 24th- $3200

This thermometer represents how much money I have raised as of February 17, 2012

India 2011
As of January 18, 2011 I have exceeded the $3200 goal.  I am now looking forward to others support to help those who are struggling to get funding.  Thanks to all who have contributed!